As you start writing tests, you might notice that there’s a small delay after invoking the tests before they execute. Which can get particularly annoying if you’re only running a small subset of your tests at a time. This delay is because the default execution mode will kill all the containers that were started by the test suite each time it’s executed.

However, some containers have a larger startup cost than others; Mongo and presto, in particular have significant startup costs up to 30s! Even Postgres, has ~ 1-2 seconds startup time; which you’ll pay each time you invoke pytest.

Pytest Mock Resources ships with a small CLI utility pmr, which can be used to help amortize the cost of container startup between test runs. With it, you can pre-create the container against which the tests will connect.

For Redshift and Postgres:

$ pmr postgres
# or specify the image
PMR_POSTGRES_IMAGE=postgres:11 pmr postgres

For Mongo:

$ pmr mongo
# or specify the image
PMR_MONGO_IMAGE=mongo:5.0 pmr mongo

For MySQL:

$ pmr mysql
# or specify the image
PMR_MYSQL_IMAGE=postgres:8.0 pmr mysql

You can check on the instance’s state via:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                    COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
711f5d5a8689        postgres:9.6.10-alpine   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   16 seconds ago      Up 15 seconds>5432/tcp   determined_euclid

You can terminate the instance whenever you want via:

$ pmr --stop postgres