
Users can test AWS dependent code using the create_moto_fixture.

pytest_mock_resources.create_moto_fixture(*ordered_actions, region_name='us-east-1', scope='function')

Produce a Moto fixture.

Any number of fixture functions can be created. Under the hood they will all share the same moto server.


Each test executes using a different (fake) AWS account through moto. If you create boto3 client/resource objects outside of the one handed to the test (for example, in the code under test), they should be sure to use the aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, aws_session_token, and endpoint_url given by the <fixturename>.pmr_credentials attribute.


A moto dashboard should be available for debugging while the container is running. By default it would be available at http://localhost:5555/moto-api/# (but the exact URL may be different depending on your host/port config.

  • ordered_actions – Any number of ordered actions to be run on test setup.

  • region_name (str) – The name of the AWS region to use, defaults to “us-east-1”.

  • scope (str) – The scope of the fixture can be specified by the user, defaults to “function”.

Consider the following example:

# src/

def list_files(s3_client):
    return s3_client.list_objects_v2(Bucket="x", Key="y")

A user could test this as follows:

# tests/

from pytest_mock_resources import create_moto_fixture
from import Session

from some_module import list_files

moto = create_moto_fixture()

def test_list_files(moto: Session):
    s3_client = moto.client("s3")
    files = list_files(s3_client)
    assert ...

The test is handed a proxy-object which should functionally act like a boto3.Session object. Namely you would generally want to call .client(…) or .resource(…) on it.


Each test executes using a different (fake) AWS account through moto. If you create boto3 client/resource objects using boto3 directly, outside of the object handed to your test, you should make sure to pass all the credentials fields into the constructor such that it targets the correct AWS instance/account.

For example:

import boto3
from pytest_mock_resources import create_moto_fixture
from import Session

moto = create_moto_fixture()

def test_list_files(moto: Session):
    kwargs = moto.pmr_credentials.as_kwargs()
    s3_client = boto3.client("s3", **kwargs)


A moto dashboard should be available for debugging while the container is running. By default it would be available at http://localhost:5555/moto-api/# (but the exact URL may be different depending on your host/port config.


Similar to ordered “actions” in other fixtures, moto supports the static creation of certain kinds of objects ahead of the actual test execution as well.

For moto, this represents as physical infrastructure/configuration/objects within the moto “AWS account” being used by your test.

Per the note above, each test executes in a unique moto “AWS account”. This means that two create_moto_fixture fixtures with different infrastructure will be completely distinct and not leak state (either between tests or between fixtures).


we will absolutely accept feedback on additional kinds of supported objects to add, the current set is motivated by internal use, but is certainly not exhaustive.


Currently: S3Bucket, S3Object

These objects help reduce boilerplate around setting up buckets/files among tests.

from pytest_mock_resources import create_moto_fixture, S3Bucket, S3Object
from import Session

bucket = S3Bucket("test")
moto = create_moto_fixture(
    bucket.object("test.csv", "a,b,c\n1,2,3"),

 def test_ls(moto: Session):
     resource = moto.resource("s3")
     objects = resource.Bucket("test").objects.all()
     assert len(objects) == 1

     assert objects[0].key == "test.txt"
     assert objects[0].get()["Body"].read() == b"a,b,c\n1,2,3"