Template Databases


This feature was added in v2.4.0 and currently only supports Postgres.

The template_database fixture keyword argument, and :class:StaticStatements did not exist prior to this version.

By default, the supported fixtures attempt to amortize the cost of performing fixture setup through the creation of database templates (postgres). If, for whatever reason, this feature does not interact well with your test setup, you can disable the behavior by setting template_database=False.

With this feature enabled, all actions considered to be “safe” to statically will performed exactly once per test session, in a template database. This amortizes their initial cost and offloads the majority of the work to postgres itself. Then all “dynamic” actions will be performed on a per-test-database basis.

Consider the following fixture

from models import Base, Example
from pytest_mock_resources import create_postgres_fixture, StaticStatements, Statements, Rows

def some_setup(engine):
    # some complex logic, not able to be performed as a `Statements`

pg = create_postgres_fixture(
    StaticStatements('INSERT INTO foo () values ()'),
    Statements('INSERT INTO foo () values ()'),

Each of the arguments given to create_postgres_fixture above are “actions” performed in the given order. Typically (in particular for non-postgres fixtures, today), all of the steps would be performed on a completely empty database prior to the engine/session being handed to the test function.

Static Actions

Static actions are actions which are safe to be executed exactly once, because they have predictable semantics which both safely be executed once per test session, as well as happen in a completely separate transactions and database, from the one handed to the test.

Static actions include:

  • MetaData: Base in the above example is an alias to Base.metadata; i.e. a sqlalchemy.MetaData object that creates all objects defined on the metadata.

  • Rows: Rows only work in the context of a session, and essentially define a set of INSERT statements to be run.

  • StaticStatements: Are exactly like a Statements object. The subclass is simply a sentinel to signify that the user asserts their statement is “safe” to be executed as one of these static actions.

Dynamic Actions

Dynamic actions have unpredictable semantics, and as such the library cannot safely amortize their cost.

Dynamic actions include:

  • Statements: A statement can be any arbitrary SQL, which therefore means we cannot know whether it will react negatively with the test, if executed in a separate transaction. If you’re executing typical CREATE/INSERT statements, prefer StaticStatements.

  • Functions: Obviously a function can do anything it wants, and therefore must be dynamic.


It is important to consider action ordering when using dynamic actions. Upon encountering a dynamic action in a list of ordered actions, all subsequent actions will be executed as though they were dynamic (i.e. per-test-database).

You should therefore prefer to group all static actions before dynamic ones wherever possible to ensure you get the most optimal amortization of actions.

For example:

pg = create_postgres_fixture(
    Statements('CREATE TABLE ...'),

This will execute all setup dynamically because it encountered a dynamic action (Statements in this case) first. Ideally the above actions would be reversed, or that the Statements be swapped for a StaticStatements.